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Fire Division Received ISO Class 3 Rating

Moraine was notified by Insurance Service Office (ISO) that Moraine is now a Class 3 community. This national company assesses a community’s fire protection capabilities in the areas:

  • Emergency communications systems, including facilities for the public to report fires, staffing, training, certification of telecommunications and facilities for dispatching fire departments
  • The fire department, including equipment, staffing, training and geographic deployment of fire companies
  • The water supply system, including the inspection and flow testing of hydrants and a careful evaluation of the amount of available water compared with the amount needed to suppress fires
  • Community efforts to reduce the risk of fire, including fire prevention codes and enforcement, public fire safety education and fire investigation programs

ISO does this on a scale from 1 (well protected community) to 10 (no recognized fire protection). The “3” classification means when local insurance companies establish fire insurance rates for property owners in a community, they can do so knowing the effectiveness of fire protection in Moraine is in the top 11% in the country. Of the 46,000 plus communities assessed by ISO, only 4,974 have a classification of “3” or better.

This achievement was only made possible by many hours of hard work by the Fire Division and other City services. Congratulations to Chief Cooper and his staff on a job well done!