Ora Allen
Ora has lived in the City of Moraine for 43 years and a Council member for 10 years. Ora retired from City of Moraine as Finance Director and in her spare time likes to read and help out her neighbors in need. She is active in the Miami Shores Baptist Church where she attends church regularly and helps with vacation bible school and the free store. Ora was educated at Alice Lloyd College in Kentucky.
“I really enjoy being on Council and representing the residents of Moraine. I enjoy helping people and appreciate the sacrifices the employees have given over the years to make this City great. As a member of Council, my ultimate goal is to work with other Council members and City Staff to make Moraine a better place to live, work, and play with I think we have accomplished this, but we must continue working to maintain the present level of services to the residents and businesses, as well as provide additional services as needed.”