
The City of Moraine is seeking Volunteers to provide a valuable service to the City by assisting in many of the City departments in a variety of ways. Volunteers can participate on a regular basis, for a few hours a week or on-call as needed. Volunteer opportunities are available during the day, evening or weekends.
Last year, over 3,000 hours of volunteer service were administered by hundreds of participants. Join our growing team of volunteers!
Watch the Moraine Volunteer Program TV Show
If you are interested in volunteering in some capacity then contact 937-535-1000.
• Volunteers need to be at least 15 years of age.
• Younger youth groups may be allowed to assist with select special events or projects providing the group is accompanied and supervised by adults.
• Volunteers 18 years of age and older will be subject to a background check if placed in ongoing volunteer work positions or if placed in some classes or programs working with young children.
• Volunteers working one-time special events or projects will not be given background checks.
Certificate of Appreciation
In the spring of each year, volunteers are recognized by City Council. Volunteers receive a certificate of appreciation and a volunteer gift as a thank you for sharing their time and talents.
Fitness Reward
Individuals who volunteer a total of 12 hours receive a free six month pass (or a free six month extension if they already have a pass) to the City of Moraine Payne Recreation Center. Take advantage of all of the fitness and wellness opportunities available at the center.
Volunteer Partnership Awards
Awards will be given each April during “National Volunteer Month” to businesses, clubs and individuals for their outstanding volunteer efforts.
Volunteers receive a monthly newsletter thanking them for their service, updating them on collective achievements and informing them of upcoming volunteer opportunities.
Is there an age requirement?
Volunteers need to be at least 15 years of age. Younger youth groups may be allowed to assist with select special events or projects providing the group is accompanied and supervised by adults.
Do I need to be a Moraine resident to volunteer?
No. If you have the time, talent and interest, we want to hear from you.
What do I need to do to volunteer?
If you are looking to volunteer on a regular basis then fill out the volunteer application on the web site and return it to the Volunteer Office. An interview will be scheduled to see if we can match you with a need. Volunteers 18 years of age and older will be subject to a background check if placed in ongoing volunteer work positions or if placed in some programs working with young children. If you are volunteering for one-time special events, no interview or background check is necessary. Contact the staff member listed for the special event or class and let them know you will volunteer at that event.
How will I be trained for a volunteer position?
Staff from the department in which you are volunteering will be responsible for training you for your work assignment or event. Volunteers are expected to dress neatly in proper clothes for the event or work task that they are performing.
How will I find out what volunteer opportunities are available?
Volunteer opportunities are also posted in the monthly Moraine Messenger and at the Municipal Building, Gerhardt Civic Center and the Payne Recreation Center.
Can I specify the department in which I would like to volunteer?
Yes, you can indicate this on your application form. You can also work in multiple departments.
What if I only want to volunteer periodically or you don’t have a volunteer opportunity to match my skill?
Indicate on your application form when you are available, what areas you are interested in and what your specific skill set is. Some volunteer assignments are short-term, some on a regular basis and some are one-time special events. Our goal is to develop a pool of qualified, on-call volunteers, so if we can’t match your skill or interest area that you are looking for immediately, we will notify you later on if a volunteer position becomes available.
How many Volunteers are in the City of Moraine Volunteer Program
In 2019, a total of 3,019 hours of volunteer service were administered by 289 participants.
Can High School Students Who Need Community Service Hours Or Scout Troops Earning Badges Volunteer At Various Events
Yes. National Honor Society students from Kettering Fairmont High School and from West Carrollton High School are required to volunteer many community service hours. Dozens of these students volunteers at Moraine classes, special events, community cleanups and programs throughout the year.
Boy and Girl Scout troops volunteer, especially at hiking trail, park or bike trail community cleanups to earn badges. Prospective Eagle Scouts are encouraged to contact the Volunteer Office to discuss possible park projects that they could build.
Can my business employees volunteer at a major city event as a way of giving back to the community
Yes. Many employees from a business may volunteer at a city special event or program. The Volunteer Office can also create and schedule a volunteer event for just your business such as cleaning up a park, a section of the Moraine bike trail or a hiking trail.
Every April during National Volunteer Month, individuals, businesses and clubs are recognized with a Moraine Volunteer Partnership Award for outstanding volunteer service. We thank you for your outstanding volunteer efforts to add to the quality of life in Moraine.
If you feel that you, your business or club would like to volunteer for the City of Moraine or just want more information, please call 937-535-1000.
Watch the Moraine Volunteer Partnership Awards

In 2019, the City of Moraine had 3,019 hours of volunteer service administered by hundreds of participants. The City of Moraine appreciates each individual that volunteered and every accomplishment that they made whether they volunteered just one hour, dozens of hours or hundreds of hours. The City appreciates all of the volunteers who give time to assist at City of Moraine departments, special events, classes and community cleanups.
Recently celebrating National Volunteer Month, the Moraine Volunteer Program recognized several outstanding individual volunteers for their efforts in 2019 and beyond.
Kevin Egelston was recognized for his participation in the Adopt-A Flowerbed Program where he has adopted two beds at the entrance to Oak Pointe Subdivision. Kevin has planted some of his own flowers and has religiously maintained both city flower beds for the past several years doing an outstanding job.
Mary Jo Phillips was recognized for her years of asisting staff serving nutritious meals to senior citizens at lunch at the Gerhardt Civic Center. She also helps fold napkins and silverware, helps decorate and administer activities at senior bingo, card playing and other events. She not only lends a hand but socializes and looks after the needs of other senior citizens in the programs.
Larry & Mary Sabin were recognized for their hard work in many areas. Larry has helped in many Community Cleanups beautifying our parks, bike trails and hiking trails and has also adopted city flowerbeds to maintain. Mary & Larry also volunteer and work food, game or information booths at major city special events at Christmas, Halloween and at the Fire Division Neighborhood SafetyFest.
In the business category, the Moraine Volunteer Program recognized Nikki Biscelglia of State Farm Insurance. Nikki at State Farm has volunteered at many major city special events the past several years hosting a giveaway booth at the Moraine Easter Egg Hunt, Police National Night Out, Halloween Boo Bash just to name a few. She is always willing to support our city programs.

Receiving Volunteer Partnership Awards in the Individual Category were Joe Garvey, Karen Garvey, Justin Eller and Holly Miller recognized for their hard work beautifying our parks, bike trails and hiking trails through the monthly Community Cleanups. Although all four volunteered in many other areas during the year, they participated in the majority of the cleanups cutting back overgrown branches and weeds, picking up litter, removed fallen branches and recycling bottles. “These four volunteers use the trails weekly, either jogging, walking or biking. They have a vested interest in keeping the trails clean for them and for others”.
Also, receiving a Volunteer Partnership Award in the Individual Category was Dave Rodehaver recognized for volunteering as the Police/Fire Division Chaplain. Dave gives invocations at city events, volunteers at fire scenes dealing with families, brings water coolers to fire division trainings and is a leader in the MORE overdose response program where is visits families on weekdays and on weekends. Dave also volunteered at many city special events.
In the business category, receiving a Volunteer Partnership Award from the Moraine Volunteer Program was DMAX. DMAX employees held a cleanup of Dryden Road and Northlawn Blvd. where employees walked over 1.3 miles picking up litter and recycling bottles. Other DMAX employees adopted flowerbeds at the City of Moraine Gerhardt Civic Center, keeping them weed free & beautiful for five months. DMAX employees planted and maintained a beautiful flowerbed on a Dryden Road Medium Strip Island. DMAX employees provided a free lunch for the Moraine Police & Fire Divisions as a way of supporting and saying thank you to our first responders.
In the club category, the Moraine Volunteer Program Partnership Award was presented to the Kettering Fairmont High School National Honor Society. Throughout the year students volunteered at many community cleanup projects and assisted staff at dozens of recreation classes, special events and programs. Over forty NHS students volunteered in 2018.

In the business category, the Moraine Volunteer Program recognized American Thermal Instruments as the Business Category Partnership Award Winner. George Wilders, the ATI National Account Manager and a dozen employees performed maintenance on the Johnny Appleseed Hiking Trail. ATI employees walked 1.5 miles cutting back overgrown branches and weeds, picked up litter, removed fallen branches and built three footbridges over creek crossings. ATI also adopted a senior citizen resident’s house on Pensacola Blvd and gave it a facelift. Over fifteen employees trimmed bushes & trees, cut the grass, pulled weeds & installed new shrubbery. Accepting the award for ATI was George Wilders and Jane Coggin.
The second 2018 award went to an individual. The Moraine Volunteer Program recognized Kathy Toller. Kathy’s expertise is data entry and research. Over the course of a year she did the majority of the city personnel files project where 308 full-time and 67 part-time employee paper files were transferred to the computer enabling 3,157 files to be destroyed/shredded. The next project she single handily tackled the Ellerton Cemetery Project for City Planners office where she transferred thousands of grave records and entered them on the computer matching the books to the spreadsheets to the record hardware. Kathy volunteered hundreds of hours completing these two large projects. Due to her dedicated volunteer service she was presented with the Individual Partnership Award.
The third 2018 award went to a club. The Moraine Volunteer Program thanked the Moraine Rotary Club. Rotary is the only service club in Moraine and they perform dozens of community projects every year but in addition to their own club projects, Rotary members have volunteered at dozens of city projects or programs annually. In appreciation of their service The Moraine Volunteer Program presented the Club Partnership Award to the Moraine Rotary Club. Accepting for the club were Rotarians Andrea Varabkanich, Rosie Miller, Julie Hoffman and Teri Murphy.
Keep your neighborhood subdivision entrance, local park or city entrance flowerbed looking beautiful. The City of Moraine Street Division will plant flowers in May and we need your volunteer help in maintaining them mid-May through mid-September.
Who can get involved and adopt a flowerbed?
Any interested individual, family or group of families, scout troop, church, business, community group/club, neighborhood, school, sports team, etc.
What is the time commitment?
The time commitment is completely up to you. Normally, a single flowerbed can be weeded in less than 10 minutes.
What are the expectations?
Adopt the flowerbed for one full season (mid-May through mid-September)
Twice a month (around the 1st and the 15th) maintain the bed by removing weeds, grass and litter
Every month email or telephone your volunteer hours worked to the Volunteer Office
Provide your own gloves and hand tools
You can earn a free six month membership to the Payne Recreation Center for adopting and maintaining the flowerbed for the four month period
A small sign will be placed on the flowerbed stating the business, club, church or individual maintaining the bed.