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Disc Golf Course Improvements

It may be winter but on a mild day it is still a fun time to play 18 holes of disc golf at the Rotary Disc Golf Course at Deer Meadow Park. Playing a round of disc golf will give you a 1.5 mile walk, a light upper body workout all while enjoying the beautiful outdoors.

Recently the Street Division partnered with Rotary and installed the final ten concrete tee pads to the course. This improvement was a two year project which will replace the natural tee pads. The Rotary received a District Rotary Grant and will soon add wind direction flags to all 18 baskets and plan to add a few benches on some of the tees in 2018.

Rotary will partner with Parks & Recreation to schedule recreational leagues and a possible tournament in 2018. New for beginners, a few introductory classes will be offered to teach you how to throw and give you an opportunity to play a few holes to acquaint yourself to the game of disc golf.